The Business Master (4th Edition)
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The Address Book Solution - ADVANCED Features Page 1
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
Following is a list of some of the features the 'Advanced' version of
THE ADDRESS BOOK SOLUTION includes (available summer 1991):
Additional Program Features:
- Built in word processor for creating form letters and mail-merging data.
- New Report Generator included
- More import/export formats available
- Search & Replace
- Change case (upper, lower, capsfirst) in data file, or at print time only
- Mass deletion
- Increased speed of importing/exporting data
- Current data file format is supported
- Services to develop special reports, label formats, form letters, etc. are
available, running up to 10x faster than current formats.
New fill-in-the-blank filter criteria screens may be used to include only the
information you wish to process. An unlimited number of criteria groups is
supported. The criteria group consists of ranges of dates, codes, names, zip
codes, area codes, etc. as well as selection of records by any characters
located in the note, name, company, address, city, etc. fields. The
following processes support the use of any criteria group entered.
- Search & Replace information
- Mass deletion option, with optional copying of deleted records to a
separate file for backup purposes
- Change data to uppercase, lowercase, or capsfirst, when printing or in data
- Additional import/export formats, including dBASE III, SDF (fixed length
ASCII), CDA (comma delimited ASCII) - other formats as requested
- Interface easily to Avery LabelPro software which supports graphics and
Word Processor Features
- Block mark/unmark, copy, move, delete
- Split lines
- Word-wrap on/off
- Search
- Search & Replace
- Join lines
- Select fields to merge from Pop-Up window
- Adjustable margins
- On-line help screens
The Address Book Solution - ADVANCED Features Page 2
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
Report Generator features:
- Supports over 100 printers - including Laser printers. Automatically
selects condensed print when applicable. Each print job may use a
different printer if desired.
- Easily recover from printer errors, out of paper problems, paper jams, etc.
- Pause or cancel any report at any time by pressing the ESCape key.
- Select what to print, and in what order (i.e. print Note 1 before the
Company before the Name on a label).
- Options for each print line include what font (normal, bold, or italic), as
well as the case to use for text (Uppercase, Lowercase, CapsFirst, or
print as is in the data file).
- Output to printer, file, or display.
- Output to a file in either ASCII (text) format, or in printer format, which
includes printer control codes. This would be useful for example, if
either a printer is not available to the PC TABS is running on, or the
desired printer (a Laser printer, for example) is attached to another PC.
- Displayed output features include panning, split screen, scrollable windows,
line or screen at a time displaying of information, etc.
- Filter the information printed by either using the fill-in-the-blank
criteria, or by entering a dBASE-like filter expression, optionally
including various functions such as Soundex, Months-Between dates, etc.
- Supports listings, index cards, labels, rotary cards, shipping labels (4x3),
business envelopes, etc., by selecting format from a pop-up window.
- Choose which pages or labels/cards, etc. to print, either by selecting the
desired page numbers, or the desired labels (i.e. labels 400-1000)
- Extensive use of Pop-Up windows containing available options.
- Up to 4 sort fields may be selected from a list of over 30 fields/formats.
- Optionally print sort group total counts.
- Different date formats may be printed (10/23/62, 'October 23, 1962', etc.)
- The City-State-Zip format may automatically include a comma if desired.
- Include a Return Address and/or other message when printing 4x3 shipping
labels, or business envelopes.
- Over 50 predefined label/card/envelop formats may be selected by Avery
product number, or size. Additional formats supported through custom
report requests, or by using R & R Report Writer by Concentric Data
Systems to create or modify a current format.
- Duplicates - Listings available to locate duplicate names, company names,
or different names at the same address, based on actual spelling, or by
the sound of the data (i.e. John Smith and John Smythe would be included
in the duplicate sound-name listing; Tim Miller and Debbie Miller at the
same address would be included in the duplicate name-address listing).
- Additional output sizes for 'book' format, as well as supports most printers
including Laser printers
- The status of the last print job (last page produced, last report printed,
any error messages, etc.) may be viewed.
The price of the TABS 'Advanced' is $50.00. REGISTERED users of TABS may
deduct $10 from this price. Please call for site license pricing. Prices are
subject to change without notice. New York State residents please include
appropriate sales tax. Mail the following pages of the SOFTWARE LICENSE
AGREEMENT WITH YOUR CHECK in US funds for the appropriate amount to:
Greg S. Fisher
GSF Software & Solutions
3380 Sheridan Drive, Suite 391
Amherst, NY 14226
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR 'The Address Book Solution - Advanced' Part 1
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
My signature on this license agreement acknowledges that I fully understand
that this program is copyrighted material. This program is NOT public domain.
The 'Advanced' version of THE ADDRESS BOOK SOLUTION is not Shareware; whereas
see if it fills my needs. If it satisfies me, and I decide to keep it or
continue using it, I understand that I must pay for the product. This is not
optional on my part. It is mandatory. I may make and distribute copies (TABS
NOT TABS-ADVANCED) for other users to try. I must fully explain the Shareware
idea to them and emphasize the need to register and pay for the product. I
understand that I CANNOT copy 'The Address Book Solution' or 'The Address Book
Solution-Advanced' or distribute it in any commercial venture, service,
publication or product without the written consent of
Greg S. Fisher/GSF Software & Solutions.
Signature ________________________________________ Date: __________________
The price of the TABS 'Advanced' is $50.00. REGISTERED users of TABS may
deduct $10 from this price. Please call for other upgrade pricing. Prices are
subject to change without notice. New York State residents please include
appropriate sales tax. Mail both parts of the SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH
YOUR CHECK in US funds for the appropriate amount to:
Greg S. Fisher
GSF Software & Solutions
3380 Sheridan Drive, Suite 391
Amherst, NY 14226
FOR SUPPORT CALL: TAPE: (716) 283-3804 Calls Returned Collect
The Address Book Solution 'Advanced' for PC/MS-DOS
* Program with diskettes and printed documentation ....... $50. ________
* Above for Registered Users of TABS ..................... $40. ________
* Commercial site license for the use of TABS.
(Includes one diskette with programs & printed documentation.)
2 to 9 computers ..... at $45 each # computers ___x 45 ________
10 to 24 computers ..... at $40 each # computers ___x 40 ________
25 to 49 computers ..... at $35 each # computers ___x 35 ________
50 to 99 computers ..... at $30 each # computers ___x 30 ________
100 or more computers .. $2500 one time fee ________
Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____
Extra program disk & documentation with purchase of
site licenses of 2 or more available at $5.00 each. ___ x 5 ________
New York State residents add 7% sales tax. ________
Please add $3.00 for shipping and handling ........................ ________
(Please add $10.00 for overseas orders.)
Total enclosed $ _________
Terms: Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S. funds. Purchase
orders (net 30) accepted for software from larger corporations. All
licenses are prepaid only. All orders outside of the continental
United States must be prepaid. TABS - ADVANCED will be shipped as soon
as available - approximately August 1990.
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR 'The Address Book Solution - Advanced' Part 2
(C) Copyright 1989, GSF Software & Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. We will use this information
to notify you of future updates and new products. The information will also
enable technical support to identify you should you need to call.
Your Name: ____________________________________________________
Company: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________
Phone: (_____) _________________ FAX: (_____) _________________
Please circle the most appropriate response to each of the following in
reference to the PC 'TABS - Advanced' will be operating on:
COMPUTER MAKE 1) Compaq 2) IBM 3) PS/2 4) IBM Compatible
COMPUTER MODEL 1) PC 2) XT 3) AT/286 4) 386 5) _____________
MONITOR TYPE 1) CGA 2) EGA 3) VGA -and- M) Mono C) Color
DISKETTE TYPE (circle all that apply) 1) 360K 2) 1.2M 3) 720K 4) 1.44M
HARD DISK SIZE 1) None 2) <=20MB 3) 21-40MB 4) 41-60MB 5) > 60 MB
DOS VERSION 1) 2.x 2) 3.1x 3) 3.2x 4) 3.3x 5) 4.x
PRINTER MAKE ____________________ MODEL _______________________
No. of PCs at Site 1) 1-10 2) 11-25 3) 26-50 4) more than 50
How did you hear about this product?
1) Advertising 4) PC User Group / BBS
2) Reviews/articles in magazines 5) Dealer/Consultant recommendation
3) Recommendation by fellow PC user 6) Other ___________________________
What do you really like about this program? _________________________________
What do you dislike? ________________________________________________________
What additional features would you like to see in future updates? ___________
What other Mailing/Address list management software have you used? __________